Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Realizing my Blessings

Recently a friend lost his niece to a tragic and untimely death. She left behind a young teenaged son, a mother battling cancer and a sister who is affected by a secere mood disorder. During this season of love I have come to realize my fortunate life. I have a mother who although and elderly woman of 78 is spirited and quite able. she attends water aerobics twice a week and gardens when the weather permits. I have two sisters whose children are healthy and productive citizens. I have a wonderful daughter who is a good natured, loving young lady who has her own on-line business, attends college part-time, has a part-time job and is well-respected by her peers and the adults she encounters. I have a good and loving man who cares for me warts and all. He encourages me every day. I am truly blessed.

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