Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Days are a Gift from God

School was open only one day last week due to snow. Snow Days are like the cash bonuses I once received when I worked in the capitalistic profit making canyons of New York City. My concern with the students and how this gap will affect their learning is genuine. Yet, I do not feel guilty. 

I work as a remedial learning support teacher. I love my job, don't get me wrong. Honestly, I just needed a break from the challenging nature of my work. We are not paid very much. And I am strapped to put it mildly. I needed time to reset my clock, clean a draw, make chicken and dumplings, drink copious pots of well-brewed tea and read cookbooks in my fleece pajamas and robe.

Hey people, it's still snowing and the kids are going to be home for a few more days. My unsolicited advice to my fellow parents is embrace this time with your children. Have them put down the PSPs and the cell phones. Your kids have text books, give them assignments from them, read with them, have them read to you, have them research snow, or journal, play outside with them, watch educational television and locate the website that correlates with the show. NPR has some great sites for kids and you,too! Get involved, engage with your kids, expect something from them. Make a shift. They just might like it and perhaps you will too!

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